Monday, June 10, 2019

sign f ----dads brother in alberta.

By the Way.
The letters I sent to uncle WilburJannes (Jim)  Linker
Are much clearer...
Calmly written.
And polite.
They,ll explain the situation
Properly to the police, in a pinch .

Though how anyone could write calmly
After what Jeff and you  did is beyond me..

Sending tainted victuals to an 88 year old man..
To make him dizzy. 

So he'd be too dizzy to stop you from 
Ransacking his apt. 
To find and alter his will..

If dad's body is exhumed, what traces of poison you and Jeff used to make dad dizzy would experts find?Jannes (Jim)  Linker

Why hide dad's will from me, Winnie?

If you,ve nothing to hide?

If you didn't disrespect dad's final will and testament by altering it that way, then why not show me the will?

And give me a copy of it?

It's what any rational sibling or person would do..

But you still don't do that .
Even though it's the right thing to do..

It'll be interesting when I show these emails and this factual information to the cops .

Especially the filming at the thamesford library ofJeff flattening my tire with a pin..
In June of 2018..

Regarding the bike trip I had with him.

The one he claims didn't happen..

By which fact he clearly lied to your face the other day..

Ya know win?Image result for make gifs motion images of the bugs bunny show

Strange win..

You didn't rebuke Jeff for such callousness..

It sure appears your in cahouts with Jeff on all this..
On that note..

If you don't start responding to my emails soon, and especially before 12 noon, I'll go to the police with this factual information..

Thanks win..Jannes (Jim)  Linker

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