Monday, June 10, 2019

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Jannes (Jim)  Linker

Angeltruth Jacob

Jun 9, 2019, 8:07 PM (17 hours ago)
to Jeff
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I wrote and sent those recent emails about my recent bicycle trips, to try to socialize....
And resolve this issue, without the police getting involved. ..
After all Jeff's callous deceptions, I was still trying to do that...Related image

But he's not listening to my mercy and reason..
In that regard..Related imageRelated image

Winnie,if I got into all the disrespectful things he said about you and dad on our many walks,in his babblings, you'd be shocked..Related image
I'm not kidding you..Jannes (Jim)  Linker
He's very deceptive..
And he doesn't care for anyone but himself. 

He never cared for dad..Image result for MAKE GIFS MOTION IMAGES OF IMBECILES SCREAMING
Trust me..
All facts related to this life, in summary,clearly verify, he never truly cared for dad..
Neither did he honor dad..Image result for MAKE GIFS MOTION IMAGES OF CAPTAIN KIRK LOOKING STUPIDJannes (Jim)  LinkerRelated imageImage result for funny make gifs motion images of lunatics dancing and rejoicingImage result for funny make gifs motion images of lunatics dancing and rejoicing
In anything he did in this life..Related image

Not sincerely..
That's for sure ..

dancing and prancing at times around me and dad too.
like a crazy person.

I'd warn him to immediately contact me to give me a copy of dad's final will and testament..

Or I'll go to the police..Image result for make gifs motion images of captain cave man character cartoon
And I'll begin making these emails contents .known.

So all dad's relatives can know Jeff's real disrespect for dad..

Did he shed a tear Winnie?

The last week?Image result for MAKE GIFS MOTION IMAGES OF CAPTAIN KIRK LOOKING STUPIDRelated image

I did. 

Jeff's a phone..
He told me he was gonna alter dad's final will  Winnie.Related imageJannes (Jim)  Linker

I heard him say that .Related imageRelated imageImage result for funny make gifs motion images of lunatics dancing and rejoicing

Then he went and visited dad continually .
For the last six months of dad's life. 
Feeding dad unpackaged victuals.Related image
Til dad got very dizzy..
He did that so dad would be too dizzy to stop Jeff from searching dad's apt.
Winnie .
For dad's last will and testament..
Trust me,🙋Winnie. Jannes (Jim)  Linker

I know he did that..
He told me he was going to wickedly do that, on the bike ride I had with him..
To thamesford..
Dad never got dizzy spells so horrifically like he did the last six months of his life..
Til Jeff started visiting him continually.
And feeding dad unpackaged victuals.Related image

Not even liquor ever did that to Dad. unlike these girls here. in this image. if google allows this image to appear on this website...Related imageJannes (Jim)  Linker

But when Jeff started visiting him dad strangely got really weak..
After eating Jeff's victuals..
Wow .
And Jeff doesn't visit dad for 50 years..Related image
And dad never gets dizzy spells. 
But Jeff visits dad and dad all of a sudden gets very dizzy?

He continually devilishly hypocritically dishonored dad in life..Jannes (Jim)  Linker

I'm not gonna allow him to also dishonor dad in death ..Image result for funny make gifs motion images of lunatics dancing and rejoicingImage result for funny make gifs motion images of lunatics dancing and rejoicing
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Not like that. 
Not if I can do anything about it .

I'm going to the pice soon..
If he doesn't produce a copy of dad's last will and testament..Inline image 1Jannes (Jim)  Linker


  1. Winnie, do you know what the word

    What's the definition to that word?

    In your opinion...

    On that note I say this.
    Dad wouldn't have lied to me for the last ten years about what was in his will.

    And testament.

    It wasn't dad's nature to lie like that..

    You just said to me I wasn't in dad's will as a beneficiary at all..

    You just said that .

    That means dad deliberately hypocritically sinfully lied to me in mockery of everything Jesus says in john 14:15 connected to Exodus 20:16 completely for the last ten years of dad's life.


    Which technically, according to revelation 22:14-15, means dad is burning in hell..
    Right now..

    Because the Christian Bible says you don't hypocritically lie to children that way..

    Or you will burn in hell.

    Your document you just showed me basically says dad lied to me continually about me being a beneficiary in his will, Winnie.

    Dad said to me over and over that I was a beneficiary in his will.

    He didn't say of what.

    It's true..

    But he did say I was a major beneficiary.


    Are you telling me dad deliberately mocked the words of Jesus in a hypocritical fashion located in john 14:15 continually?
    Regarding what dad told me regarding his will?

    For the last ten years!

    At the very least dad said that to me continually.
    For the last ten years!

    He never even hinted at anything else.


    On that note, i say this...
    Let's think now.
    Once again win, what did dad's testament say?

    Jesus said ""those who lie like dad lied to me burn in hell in agony unendingly.

    For being lying deliberate hypocrites..

    All of the words of Jesus in summary do say that.


    What are you saying, win?

    On that note?

    Are you saying, dad's looking forward to burning in hell according to the words of Jesus unendingly?

    Well, in a matter of speaking, that's clearly what you just told me Winnie..


    You said I wasn't a beneficiary at all .

    Once again let's note this.

    Dad said to me at least five hundred times over the last ten years that I was a his will.
    I mean, he made that clear totally..



    Let's think now.


    Let's analyse this closely ..

    Dad said to me at least five hundred times over the last ten years that I was a beneficiary in his will.

    At least five hundred times..

    Yet you come up with some computer document that you wrote on a computer that says I'm not a beneficiary in dad's will at all?

    Which means dad callously deliberately hypocritically dishonorably idiotically lied to me about that for ten years straight.
    At the very least.

    Well, according to Winnie and Jeff linker, jannes linker dishonorably lied to me diberately like a sinful hypocrite for ten years straight..


    Let's think now?


    Whose prevaricating here, anyways?



    The document you made up on your phone clearly says dad lied to me about that.

    Endlessly for years .

    I really don't think dad would deliberately hypocritically lie to me like that for ten years straight..

    I'm positive of that.

    Especially after the evil things Jeff screamed at me on the highway.
    Last summer..

    Regarding a subject I refer to in other emails..


    Let's think about this..

    Whose really lying here?

    On this subject.

    Regarding the above questions and information just addressed.?

    Can you answer that question, Winnie?


  2. Let's think about that?

    Would dad deliberately hypocritically lie to me about that at least five hundred times in a row?

    Over ten straight years?

    I personally don't think dad would lie to me that way. .

    For ten years straight.

    But, once again, the document you just made up on a computer, clearly confirms that dad did lie deliberately to me.
    On that subject.

    For at least ten years straight.

    in defiance of everything Jesus Christ teaches humans in john 14:15, revelation 22:14-15 and Exodus 20:16.

    Furthermore, in evaluating what you just said to me likewise so,

    For the record Winnie,

    Dad didn't know how to operate a computer win.

    I even tried to teach him the simple fundamental concepts of a computer at the library in London on a variety of occasions..

    He told me he had a mental block to computers..

    They bugged him.

    He said..

    In a matter of words..

    That's what dad said.
    So, if you try to tell me dad made up a will on a computer that's a clear lie.


    Commandment nine says don't prevaricate information.

    """don't bare false witness.

    Don t lie win.

    Lying is evil .

    It's assholish .

    It's hypocritical..

    Why be an asshole?

    Especially a greedy asshole who obviously doesn't care for anything Jesus says at all .

    While deliberately mocking john 14:15 by altering their fathers last will and testament..

    For hypocritical reasons.

    Reasons that defy christianitys holy ghost deliberately too..
    On all counts.

    Fraud too is illegal, Winnie..

    Assholes commit fraud..

    Especially for devilish reasons.

    That relate to pathetic unforgivable greed..

    Regarding phoney people , who have way more then they need..
    Yet always greedily seek to kill people for more earthly money..

    You murdered dad for greedy reasons Winnie..
    As did Jeff.
    And it's me now..

    That's my father that you killed..

    And because you wanted more money.
    In this life..

    Your both pathetic.

    Also, something else win..

    Just for the sake of record,

    Dad made Lydia the executor to his will after you and Jeff??

    That's what your ridiculous fraudulent document said!!?.

    O that's priceless..
    What an obvious priceless lie.

    Your one for the books win.
    Regarding deliberate hypocritical liars.

    Evaluating obvious facts. .

    I like Lydia..

    As far as I'm concerned she's a decent person.

    But, that said, I also know that dad was not on good terms with his eldest grand daughter.

    To say the least of the matter.

    That's for sure..

    I know how dad's relationship with Lydia was, Winnie...

    Dad wouldn't have done that..

    Regarding dad's babbling over the last seven years.

    And even some of the things Lydia let slip out of her mouth over that time period is literal proof that they weren't on good terms .
    Before dad passed on.

    That's totally obvious .

    You and Jeff clearly made up a fraudulent document ..

    In that regard as well ..

    My quests is """ if you had asked dad even once if he would make Lydia the executor to his will he'd have clearly said , he'd rather poke his own eyes out with a fork in this life..
    That's how well dad and Lydia were getting along.

    Before dad died .

    That's for sure..

    Ya know win,
    Frauds a crime, Winnie.

  3. On that note I now say this.

    Regarding dad's will,
    You clearly prevaricatingly hypocritically dishonored dad's memory by making up a very nefarious perfidious mendacious fraudulent document..

    Incredible hypocrisy on your part...
    And with Jeff's consent.

    As john 1:10-11 states..

    In connection to Hebrews 6:4-6 and the first epistle of john chapter 5:verses 16-17.

    Their is a sin that leads to eternal death..
    Says the first epistle of john chapter five.
    Verses 16-17.

    And , saint John adds,
    I do not say that one prays for forgiveness from that kind of hypocritical deliberate ridiculous sin..""

    That's what the first epistle of john chapter 5: verses 16-17 warn people..

    Regarding hypocrisy.

    Incredible hypocrisy.
    On the part of you and Jeff..

    You deliberately dishonored dad in death.

    In altering his will.

    And ya pathetically did it for the purpose of infinitely pathetic greed.
    On your callous parts.

    When , for the record,you both clearly already have way more then enough ....
    In this life.

    Yet, despite the fact you both have way more then your fair share regarding possessions in this life,
    You still greedily opted to murder dad
    For his money...
    In this life..

    What a couple of fucking goofs you and Jeff are..

    Your both infinite hypocrites..

    as Matthew 24:51 warns all.

    But even then, despite all this crazy nonsense on your parts , if you had just given me a copy of the will, like the law says your supposed to, and like Canadian law says your required to do, I probably would have let it go.

    I told you, Winnie , to give me a copy of dad's will..
    I said that over and over.

    If you did that then, I might have let this go..
    I gave you every opportunity to give me a copy of dad's final will and testament Winnie.

    I made it clear to rectify this situation of Exodus 20:12 properly I need d a copy of it..

    Yet, strangely, you refused.

    And then you ran out of the apt like an angry lunatic..

    That too is a sign of guilt.

    Who runs out of an apt like a crazy lunatic when I ask them for a copy of my dad's last will and testament?

    Sane people don't go mad when you ask them that.

    And ask them to abide by Canada's laws.

    Which, by the way, make it clear that the executor of a will is required to give a direct family member a copy of a will of a deceased relative ,
    Regardless of whether one is mentioned as a beneficiary.

    Sane people don't go crazy and then run away when you ask them that..

    Yet you did go crazy with anger when I asked that

    And then you ran off....

    It's enough..

    I'd read this if I was you, win.


  4. Winnie, their are too many major inconsistencies in your stories regarding this subject.

    Nothing aligns properly with what dad told me regarding his final will and testament over the last ten years.

  5. jeff just wrote me. saying in a matter of words, i should be grateful he murdered dad with drugged foods, and used the money he then stole from dads will, and former apt to help me move today.

    yes, jeff.

    whats that?
    i said back. what do you want me to be grateful for, jeff?

    for the record jeff, to keep peace in the family,

    I told you and Winnie, I'd
    Forgive and forget you ridiculously murdered our father, for his money if you just decently obeyed the laws of the land of Canada, where we reside, presently on earth, if you and winnie properly give me a copy of dad's final will and testament..

    You and her are still hypocritically refusing to do the decent thing by giving me a copy of dad's final will and copy. regardless of whetherr or not the law says she is required to give me a copy.

    winnie said to me yesterday shes not going to.


    So, that's dishonoring dad still in death. .

    if you had done that i would have been satisfied. and probably let this matter go. because i believe dad would say thats enough.

    but ya didnt.

    You two are obviously murderers..

    And your both lunatics ..

    That doesn't alter the facts though..

    I'd read this if I were you Jeff.

  6. your both majorly dishonoring dad by refusing to give me a copy of dads final will and testament.

    so, whats with you?

    connected to exodus 20: 12? huh? do the right thing./ or i will rebuke you for your evils.

    pure and simple.

    ooo and if honoring jesus by rebuking evil is wrong or is lashing out in your eyes then, oooo well.

    jesus says rebuke evil in the bible.

    so, thats what i do.

    thank you bro.

    and ta ta for now.
