Friday, May 22, 2020


  1. My father asked me for film age of the goderich salt mines.
    This filmage is for him.
    Pedalling a bicycle from london ontario to goderich ontario.
    10o kilometersthere.
    And 100 kilometers back.
    I did it in just over 13 hours.
    5 am to 8 30 pm.
    May 21st.
    Good exercise.
    And lovely scenery..


  2. A bit of a silly memory.
    I question its logic.
    Yet, nevertheless, I deem it fitting to mention.

    Once, in 1977, the duncan family, living right accross from us on cartier road in london was behaving a bit wild.

    First, the younger son, leslie picked up a two by four and struck me in the face with it.
    Blooding my nose.

    Then, the older bob went wild attacking two other boys in a span of two weeks.

    Then, the father of leslie and bob decides to set his foot on fire by doing something stupid with his car repairs near children and then runs around the street screaming wildly.

    And then , after that, mr duncan forgets to set his brake on his car, parked in his driveway and the duncan car ends up on our front lawn.

    Leaving tracks.
    On our grass.
    .which also was dangerous.

    What if a child got run over by the car?

    After all that, within a month, my dad says briefly in passing, at the dinner table,

    Mr Duncan is acting a bit irrational.
    Hes acting deranged.
    In defence of my family, if he does one more violent or suspicious thing around me or my family, I will seriously consider some serious self defence concepts.

    In other words my dad said he' d knock mr duncan silly if he endangered him or his kids further.

    And send mr duncan into la la land for a bit.

    My dad said...

    I was a bit surprised my dad said that.
    Yet maybe it wasnt as surprising as I think.

    As that was the year my brother jeff had a serious accident to his legs.

    And was hospitalized.

    With burns.

    For a year...

    On that note my dad was stressed.
    But fortunately mr duncan and his family seemed to calmdown after that.
    .and nothing ensued.
