Monday, June 10, 2019

sign h

to Paul linker alberta.

a letter.
Image result for make gifs motion images of religious wackos
summarizing facts amongst my family members.  on this subject. entirely in full..

first . to my brother and sister winnie and jeff i say this.Related image

for the appropriate sake of record note the following. please. which is simply this.

to my brother jeff and winnie. you clearly are doing everything you can to keep dad 
alive to suffer. when every 
fact states he is
 not gonna make
 it through this.

and the horrible things jeff yelled at me on the highway last year, on trafalgar street 
on that bicycle ride i took with him to thamesford!Related image
jeff said he'd make sure dad stayed alive til he could disrespectfully dishonor dad by altering dads final will
and testament!

he said that to me, winnie. i've told you that, over and over winnie.

you never asked me about that, winnie. 
i've assured you thats true.
 you never inquiring about that leaves me suspicious that your in cahouts with jeff in such evils winnie.

winnie writes kerry on that note. in summary. and says, 

'dont worry kerry. Image result for make gifs motion images of religious wackos
were disrespectfully ransacking dads apt and altering his final will and testament as i write this.

so dont worry about honoring dads final will and testamenbt kerry.Related image

fuck dad on that count. okay kerry? just get ready for dads funeral. and we'll see you on your birthday. okay kerry? 

just relax and go with the flow of things kerry.

everythings okay. dont worry about it.

love winnie.


Angeltruth Jacob

Tue, May 21, 3:51 PM
to Paul
paul, sometimes i don't know how to make heads or tails out of this.

on the one hand, jeff and winnie, gave me a nice birthday. on the other hand these facts are true.Related image

honestly? what do i say? how do i measure these issues properly anymore?

to paul. the following are the latest facts on this subject.
in two letters.

addressed in this fashion.Image result for make gifs motion images of religious wackos


recently winnie and jeff asked me how i feel how our father, your uncle janus, uncle wilburs brother, is suffering unjustly in all this.
Image result for make gifs motion images of religious wackos

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this is the answer i gave them in writing.

am i crazy for saying this?

all i can tell you is this.

everything i've said, thus far, is true.Related image
To Jeff and Winnie.

Please note this...

I dont know if your aware of the following, but, on Dad's birthday, when uncle rensa was there visiting with us, I briefly said this to Dad in his room...
"”"how's this for a birthday party, dad?
Ya having fun?""
And ya know what dad said to me?
He said this ..

""It seems like a bunch of horse shit to me, Kerry..""
I'm serious guys .
That was the last thing dad said to me ..

Now, what, pray tell, do you think our father meant ,by that?

Is that peculiar or what?
And something else too...

Why in the world did dad wake up only for his birthday?

Yet every other day in the hospital he's been very ill . 
If he is still bleeding and requiring blood, at this conjecture in time,then that's a problem..
reflective of dropping bombs on someone continually.Image result for make gifs motion images of religious wackos

Also, if he still isn't eating solid food because his tummy won't hold it that too is serious..
Plus, laying in bed all the time is unhealthy.
If I do that, even for a day, my body gets cramps..
Dad has been forced to do that continually.

For the last three months...
That's a dangerous situation..

It causes dad pain.

Because he doesn't have the strength to stand anymore..
Plus other things...

Medications that are serious problems remove the pain..
But for how long.

But without such serious meds dad is clearly suffering ...

Also having a tube in your mouth on a continual basis isn't pleasant..Related image
while someone drops bombs on you. in a matter of speaking. too.
It's discomfort able...Related image
To say the least...

Plus all those other discomfort able things attached to Dad right at this moment ..

He can't scratch if he's itchy.

So ?
Calculate the facts guys.
This is merciless..

To do this to Dad..

 and their are facts now that imply you dont care that dad is suffering.

you have alternative motives here. your biding your time. keeping dad half alive living like a vegetable. Related image
for merciless evil reasons. on your parts. thats obvious.


That's why, I can't go beyond two more weeks with this.
I want dad to live and be happy.

Yet what's this??

Honestly guys?

Are you seeing the real facts here?

Look closely.

This is clearly torturing dad..
reflective of this.
Related image

Image result for make gifs motion images of religious wackos
That's why I say this ..

If dad doesn't show inprovement in two weeks it's merciless on our parts not to consider other options...

In truth, 
We try for no more unneccacry suffering for our father at that point...

When that time comes, if he's still unable to breath on his own completely

Dad's earned his rest with Jesus then..

To Jeff and Winnie.

Please note this...Related image

I dont know if your aware of the following, but, on Dad's birthday, when uncle rensa was there visiting with us, I briefly said this to Dad in his room...
"”"how's this for a birthday party, dad?
Ya having fun?""
And ya know what dad said to me?
He said this ..

""It seems like a bunch of horse shit to me, Kerry..""
I'm serious guys .

That was the last thing dad said to me ..
Now, what, pray tell, do you think our father meant ,by that?

Is that peculiar or what?

And something else too...

Why in the world did dad wake up only for his birthday?Related image

Yet every other day in the hospital he's been very ill . 

If he is still bleeding and requiring blood, at this conjecture in time,then that's a problem..

Also, if he still isn't eating solid food because his tummy won't hold it that too is serious..
Plus, laying in bed all the time is unhealthy.
If I do that, even for a day, my body gets cramps..
Dad has been forced to do that continually.

For the last three months...
That's a dangerous situation..
It causes dad pain.Image result for make gifs motion images of the bugs bunny show
Related image
Because he doesn't have the strength to stand anymore..

Plus other things...

Medications that are serious problems remove the pain..
But for how long.

But without such serious meds dad is clearly suffering ...

Also having a tube in your mouth on a continual basis isn't pleasant..

It's discomfort able...
To say the least...Related image

Plus all those other discomfort able things attached to Dad right at this moment ..

He can't scratch if he's itchy.
So ?
Calculate the facts guys.

This is merciless..

To do this to Dad..Related image

That's why, I can't go beyond two more weeks with this.
I want dad to live and be happy.

Yet what's this??

Honestly guys?

Are you seeing the real facts here?

Look closely.
This is clearly torturing dad..Related image

That's why I say this ..

If dad doesn't show inprovement in two weeks it's merciless on our parts not to consider other options...

In truth, 
We try for no more unneccacry suffering for our father at that point...

When that time comes, if he's still unable to breath on his own completely

Dad's earned his rest with Jesus then..Image result for make gifs motion images of religious wackos


We're clearly forcing dad to live in his own waste matter now..
Without the blessing of 1st Corinthians 15:34-56...Image result for make gifs motion images of the bugs bunny show

In serious pains.

For no rational purpose.Related imageImage result for make gifs motion images of captain cave man character cartoon

Huh?Related imageRelated image

We don't do that to our own father.Related image

That's nuts on our parts..
To say the least.

Clarify facts properly..

Dad either shows improvement in two weeks or I talk with the doctors majorly about this..

I'll give it two weeks..
That's as far as I go.Related image

Before I majorly discuss this with the doctors..
It's that simple..Image result for make gifs motion images of the bugs bunny show

Hi kerry, we dont want dad to suffer either.
We are thankful the docs could stop the ulcer bleeding, but it was very traumatic for dad.Related image

 He is slowly on the recovery mode to get where he was 3 months ago.
Hopefully he can speak with us soon.  There is a thing that people get from
the ICU where they are very sleepy and semi conscious.  Hearing familiar voices
and getting physio along with nutrition helps pull people out of this, so hopefully dad as well.
Kerry, would you like to come to a bbq at Pam's house around 6 PM Saturday? 


okay.  yes.

sounds marvelous.
pams place. turkey. great. okay.

okily dokilty.
and thats if he recovers from his present dilemma in the hospital of lunacy.
but anyways,
what time at pams? 2 3 5 7 what?

but on the other subject, win, yes, theirs therapy and physio and such.Related image

yes. thats true. thats great. , but winnifred jane linker vanderkooy i now ask you this.

how does physio assist internal bleeding you know?

does it help it?//

exactly what is causing the internal bleeding?

jeff says its been a constant dilemma. but jeffs hoping it'll stop.

sure he is.

and the other stuff too. dad said he was suffering continual dizzy spells.Image result for make gifs motion images of religious wackos every day.Related image

yes. dizzy spells. dad is getting. its a mystery to jeff apparently. why dad is gettingt dizzy spells. jeff supposedly doesnt
know why that is happening.Related image

at least once a day. before he went into
the hospital.

what does that mean?
ya see win?
plus he finds it difficult to walk or stand at all.
would dad be happy. this way. i'm willing to try and work with it. but is it the rational move?

 you think dad is cool with that?
i'm just concerned
about such matters. thats all. you know?Related image

and 'that day you jeff and i sqaw him a week ago, in the hospital he looked generally better.Image result for make gifs motion images of the bugs bunny show

its true.
thats good. so, why did he collapse the next day? what happened again?Related image

clarify that, for me. what happened? that dad would fall from being so well, the one day, a week ago, to the point, he is like this now?

what the hell?

is it what jeff said i think?
more ulcer bleeding?

i just saw dad two days ago win.Image result for make gifs motion images of the bugs bunny show

he doesnt look great.

what happened?
explain it in detail.
and factually.
as its best to summarize facts properly.
thank you.


Angeltruth Jacob

Fri, Apr 12, 4:22 PM
to Jeff
jeff, my brain is on overload. i gotta calm down.Image result for make gifs motion images of the bugs bunny show

On Fri, Apr 12, 2019 at 4:21 PM Angeltruth Jacob <> wrote:Image result for make gifs motion images of the bugs bunny show

Angeltruth Jacob <>

4:19 PM (0 minutes ago)
to Paul linker alberta
summarizing facts amongst family.

Related image
Hi kerry, we dont want dad to suffer either. 

trust us...
in connection to isiah 5; 20 and jeremiah 17; 5 you can trust us, kerry!
just trust us, okay?  
We are totally totally passionately thankful the docs could stop the ulcer bleeding,

woe my yes.

but it was very traumatic for dad. 

He is slowly on the recovery mode to get where he was 3 months ago.Image result for make gifs motion images of the bugs bunny show
Hopefully he can speak with us soon.  There is a thing that people get

from the ICU where they are very sleepy and semi conscious.  Hearing

shockingly Related image
familiar voices and getting physio along with nutrition helps pull people out of this,Related image

so hopefully dad as well.

signed your totally totally trust worthy sister,  
Winnifred jane linker vander kooy!

okay kerry?
woe my yes.

woe my.

o by the way kerry. 
Kerry, would you like to come to a bbq at Pam's house around 6 PM Saturday? 


winnie, are you insane?

your talking about a party and barbecue and wild dances at your friend pams place?
while dad suffers horribly in the hospital due to you and jeff doing all this?


i'd rather not celebrate while dad is in this predicament, win.

but i have to monitor you and jeff in this.Related image
so, okay.
i'll come. 
okay.  yes.

sounds marvelous.Related image
to you eh? 
pams place. turkey. great. okay.

okily dokilty.

i'll come to your party at your friends. to evaluate you further winnie. while dad suffers.

you suggested it winnie. not me.
i'm in mourning.

i want dad to get better.

and thats if he recovers from his present dilemma in the hospital of lunacy.
but anyways,

whatever. eh win? sure. your not insane winnie. no. of course not. party at pams. Image result for make gifs motion images of the bugs bunny show
while this is going on. normally i wouldnt. but i have to monitor you. and your behaviour win.

so. okay.

what time at pams? 2 3 5 7 what?Related image

but for the record, too, before i close this letter i will now say this too.

which is,.. 


on the other subject, win, yes, theirs therapy and physio and such.
regarding dad. you know that, right?
yes. thats true. thats great. , but winnifred jane linker vanderkooy i now ask you this.

how does physio assist internal bleeding you know?
regarding how jeff idiotically poisoned dad with victuals for 6 months.

with your knowledge. before dad got really sick. and ended up in the hospital. due to you two.

without my knowledge. you two perfidiously did this.Image result for make gifs motion images of the bugs bunny showfrom the start of last year.

i figured out your evils later. too late unfortunately.

and if they exhume dads body i'm sure any coroner could trace some kind of poison in dads body.Image result for make gifs motion images of captain cave man character cartoon

that you two had access to. 

once again, winnie , how 
does physio therapy or familiar voices help a helpless person who suffers from that? due to yours
and jeffs evils, winnie?


answer the question winnie? does it help it?Image result for make gifs motion images of the bugs bunny show
does it help it?//
exactly what is causing the internal bleeding?

jeff says its been a constant dilemma. but jeffs hoping it'll stop.

sure he is.

for the things he said to me. prior to this.


sure he is. of course.

and the other stuff too. dad said he was suffering continual dizzy spells. every day. at least once a day. before he went into
the hospital.

what does that mean?Image result for make gifs motion images of the bugs bunny showRelated image

ya see win?
plus he finds it difficult to walk or stand at all.Related image

would dad be happy. this way. i'm willing to try and work with it. but is it the rational move? you think dad is cool with that?
i'm just concerned
about such matters. thats all. you know?

and 'that day you jeff and i sqaw him a week ago, in the hospital he looked generally better.

its true.
thats good. so, why did he collapse the next day? what happened again?

clarify that, for me. what happened? that dad would fall from being so well, the one day, a week ago, to the point, he is like this now?

what the hell?Related image

is it what jeff said i think?Image result for make gifs motion images of the bugs bunny show
more ulcer bleeding?

i just saw dad two days ago win.Image result for make gifs motion images of religious wackos

he doesnt look great.

what happened?
explain it in detail.
and factually.
as its best to summarize facts properly.

thank you.


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